Partner with us

Science Oxford is currently working with the Primary Science Teaching Trust (PSTT) as the lead national partner for the ongoing delivery of TDTScience courses across the UK from 2024-25 onwards.

TDTScience courses have been delivered in 23 regions of England so far thanks to the support of organisations such as the Education Endowment Foundation, The Oxford Trust and the PSTT, with regional partners such as:

  • Centre for Industry Education Collaboration
  • Cumbria County Council
  • Kent County Council
  • Science Across the City (Stoke-on-Trent)
  • South Essex Training and Support Alliance (SETSA)
  • STEM Learning
  • Suffolk County Council

If you are an education partner who interested in setting up TDTScience courses for primary schools in your region please contact us at [email protected].

Becoming a Trainer

TDTScience trainers are at the heart of the TDTScience programme and their skills and enthusiasm are key to effecting changes in classroom practice. To become a TDTScience trainer you need to have experience of teaching science to primary-aged children and experience of providing professional development to teachers, as well as a willingness to balance ownership of training provision with fidelity to an evidence-based course. Becoming a TDTScience trainer requires completion of a 3-phase process: attending a 4-day TDTScience course, attending a 1-2 day train-the-trainer session, co-delivering a 4-day TDTScience course with an already accredited trainer.

Our results

We've delivered 50 TDTScience courses.

For 23 different regions of England.

In 653 schools.

Supporting 1271 teachers.

Reaching 38400 pupils.

“TDTScience is the best professional development I have had for many years. It has been such a pleasure to be involved and to see the changes in the teachers from the beginning. I have grown professionally too; I have honed my pedagogy to model the strategies. It has also had an influence on my thinking and what I ‘see and hear’ when I visit primary schools and talk with science subject leads. The focused objectives leading to focused recording and focused assessment is a big barrier to children enjoying their science in Primary schools and TDTScience has the answers and the pedagogy. I have just loved the journey and don’t want it to stop!”

TDTScience Trainer 2023

“High quality science teaching builds pupils’ curiosity and critical thinking, helping them to develop a coherent understanding of the world around them. Primary science teaching plays a crucial role in shaping pupils’ attitudes toward the subject, nurturing participation that can support future pathways into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. It is crucial that early science teaching empowers all pupils, regardless of their background, to engage fully with science learning, equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to access opportunities later in life.” 

Professor Becky Francis, CEO, EEF, Improving Primary Science, 2023